Sheng Zhen
Meditation in Motion and Stillness
The Practice of Returning to Oneness
Qi is present in all heavenly bodies, in the entire universe.
Qi exists everywhere and in everything.
Qi is the source of life. Qi is the basis of life.
Humans live in the universe.
Because we are of the universe, to be well,
we have to experience ourselves as being merged with the universe
- being one will all and living in the state of flow.
The key to this state is the heart.
Qi is guided by the heart.
It is through the experience of an open heart
and a purified spirit that one can merge with the universe.
Guided by the heart, with Qi in one's body having a never ending exchange
and interflow of Qi with the universe
that one's yin-yang can become balanced.

"Melissa is a wonderful Sheng Zhen teacher, embodying grace and love. She takes you to another level and you really feel a transformation after attending her classes. I strongly recommend her as she brings Sheng Zhen in as a truly sacred meditative practice as Master Li intended."
~ May
"Melissa is a well established practitioner and teacher of Sheng Zhen. With Melissa's calm and confident guidance, I swiftly felt that deeper connection and the power of the practice. I felt the flow of energy which was nourishing and life-affirming. Melissa's style of instruction involves a lot of space for the forms to do their magic and for the flow of energy to naturally settle in the body. I am very grateful for my sessions with her and recommend her to anyone seeking health for the body and deeper peace of mind."
~ Binji